C++ Object实体类
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1.1 首先,需要定义基本动作,

1.2 定义动作指令

1.3 需要一个虚拟机,基于栈的或者是基于寄存器的。还是栈虚拟机实现更简单一点,尽管效率稍差。

1.3.1  图形界面或者脚本程序。前者对于设计师来说更加友好。

1.4 协议。应当将虚拟机生成的字节码翻译成数据发送给主程序处理。

1.5 存储。生成的字节码应该被存储在配置表或者数据库中。

1.6 处理。主程序应该有足够通用、健壮和效率的算法来处理这个字节码。



2.集中测试(2018.11.1 19:25)


1 #pragma once  2   3 #include "stdinc.h"  4 #include "Location.h"  5 #include "QualitiesManager.h"  6 #include "QualInc.h"  7   8 namespace Lunacia  9 { 10     class ObjectInfo final 11     { 12     private: 13         //info name: value pointer 14         std::unordered_map
_infos; 15 std::unordered_map
> _destory; 16 17 public: 18 ObjectInfo(); 19 ObjectInfo(std::unordered_map
& infos); 20 ~ObjectInfo(); 21 22 public: 23 template
24 T& Get(const std::string& name) 25 { 26 if (!IsExist(name)) 27 { 28 ErrorThrow("The data is not exist what name is " + name); 29 } 30 31 return *(static_cast
(_infos.find(name)->second)); 32 } 33 34 template
35 void Set(const std::string& name, T& val) 36 { 37 auto itFound = _infos.find(name); 38 void* pFound = nullptr; 39 if (itFound == _infos.end()) 40 { 41 Add(name, val); 42 return; 43 } 44 45 pFound = itFound->second; 46 T* pVal = static_cast
(pFound); 47 *pVal = val; 48 } 49 50 template
51 void Replace(const std::string& name, const T& value) 52 { 53 Delete
(name); 54 Add(name, value); 55 } 56 57 template
58 bool Add(const std::string& name, const T& value) 59 { 60 T* pValue = new T(); 61 *pValue = value; 62 63 std::function
destoryFunc = [this](const std::string& n)->void 64 { 65 this->Delete
(n); 66 }; 67 68 _destory.insert(std::make_pair(name, destoryFunc)); 69 return _infos.insert(std::make_pair(name, static_cast
(pValue))).second; 70 } 71 72 template
73 bool Delete(const std::string& name) 74 { 75 auto itFound = _infos.find(name); 76 if (itFound == _infos.end()) 77 { 78 return false; 79 } 80 void* pVal = itFound->second; 81 82 T* pDel = static_cast
(pVal); 83 delete pDel; 84 pVal = nullptr; 85 86 _destory.erase(name); 87 return _infos.erase(name) == 1; 88 } 89 90 bool IsExist(const std::string& name) const; 91 }; 92 93 //LunaObject// 94 class LunaObject 95 { 96 public: 97 LunaObject(); 98 virtual ~LunaObject(); 99 100 public:101 virtual void QualitiesCorrelation() = 0;102 103 public:104 virtual ObjectInfo& Info();105 virtual void Destory();106 107 #ifdef __Debug108 public:109 #else110 protected:111 #endif // __Debug112 ObjectInfo m_info;113 QualitiesManager m_qualManager;114 };115 116 ///NullObject///117 class NullObject: public LunaObject118 {119 private:120 static NullObject* _instance;121 122 private:123 NullObject();124 125 public:126 friend class ObjectManager;127 void Destory() override;128 ObjectInfo& Info() override;129 130 static NullObject* const GetInstance();131 132 private:133 void QualitiesCorrelation() override;134 };135 136 extern NullObject NULL_OBJECT;137 extern NullObject* const NULLPTR_OBJECT;138 };139 140 //#define ADDOBJ(className) g_ObjectManager.AddObject(#className,new className)



1 #include "LunaObject.h" 2  3 namespace Lunacia 4 { 5     LunaObject::LunaObject() 6     { 7     } 8  9     LunaObject::~LunaObject()10     {11         Destory();12     }13 14     ObjectInfo & LunaObject::Info()15     {16         return m_info;17     }18 19     void LunaObject::Destory()20     {21         m_qualManager.Clear();22     }23 24     /**25     *    @class: NullObject.26     *  @lazy initializate: false.27     *  @thread safe: true.28     *29     */30     NullObject* NullObject::_instance = new NullObject();31 32     static NullObject* const NULLPTR_OBJECT = NullObject::GetInstance();33     static NullObject NULL_OBJECT = *NULLPTR_OBJECT;34 35     NullObject::NullObject()36     {37     }38 39     NullObject* const NullObject::GetInstance()40     {41         return _instance;42     }43 44     void NullObject::Destory() 45     {46         ErrorThrow("Destory Function: It is null object!");47     }48 49     ObjectInfo & NullObject::Info()50     {51         ErrorThrow("GetObjectInfo Function: It is null object!");52         return m_info;53     }54 55     void NullObject::QualitiesCorrelation() 56     {57         ErrorThrow("QualitiesCorrelation Function: It is null object!");58     }59 60     //ObjectInfo//61     ObjectInfo::ObjectInfo()62     {63     }64 65     ObjectInfo::ObjectInfo(std::unordered_map
& infos):66 _infos(infos)67 {68 }69 70 ObjectInfo::~ObjectInfo()71 {72 std::unordered_map
::iterator it;73 while (!_infos.empty())74 {75 it = _infos.begin();76 77 const std::string& name = it->first;78 (_destory[name])(name);79 } 80 81 _infos.clear();82 _destory.clear();83 }84 85 bool ObjectInfo::IsExist(const std::string & name) const86 {87 if (_infos.find(name) == _infos.end())88 {89 return false;90 }91 return true;92 }93 };



1 #pragma once 2  3 #include "LunaObject.h" 4 #include "UniqueID.h" 5  6 namespace Lunacia 7 { 8     class ObjectManager final 9     {10     public:11         ObjectManager();12         ~ObjectManager();13 14         void Clear();15 16     public:17         int Add(LunaObject * obj);18 19         template
::value, T> ::type * = nullptr >20 int Add();21 22 template
::value, T> ::type * = nullptr >23 LunaObject* Create();24 25 void Remove(int id);26 LunaObject*const Find(int id);27 const LunaObject*const Find(int id) const;28 29 private:30 std::map
m_objects;31 };32 ///33 34 template
::value, T> ::type *>35 inline int ObjectManager::Add()36 {37 LunaObject* pObj = Create
();38 return Add(pObj);39 }40 41 template
::value, T> ::type *>42 inline LunaObject * ObjectManager::Create()43 {44 return new T();45 }46 47 };



#include "ObjectManager.h"namespace Lunacia{    ObjectManager::ObjectManager()    {    }        ObjectManager::~ObjectManager()    {    }    void ObjectManager::Clear()    {        for (auto& itEach : m_objects)        {            LunaObject* lo = itEach.second;            lo->Destory();            delete lo;            lo = NULLPTR_OBJECT;        }    }    int ObjectManager::Add(LunaObject * obj)    {        int id = static_cast
(UniqueID::Get()); obj->Info().Set("id", id); return m_objects.insert(std::make_pair(id, obj)).second ? id : -1; } void ObjectManager::Remove(int id) { auto itFound = m_objects.find(id); if (itFound != m_objects.end()) { return; } LunaObject* & pObjFound = itFound->second; pObjFound->Destory(); delete pObjFound; pObjFound = NULLPTR_OBJECT; } LunaObject * const ObjectManager::Find(int id) { const ObjectManager* pSelf = this; return const_cast
(pSelf->Find(id)); } const LunaObject * const ObjectManager::Find(int id) const { auto itFound = m_objects.find(id); if (itFound == m_objects.end()) { return NULLPTR_OBJECT; } return itFound->second; }};


Human.h(测试用) (将会被宏代替(一句宏生成一个类))

1 #pragma once 2 #include "LunaObject.h" 3  4 namespace Lunacia 5 { 6     class Human : public LunaObject 7     { 8     public: 9         Human();10         ~Human();11 12     public:13         void QualitiesCorrelation() override;14     };15 };



1 #include "Human.h" 2  3 namespace Lunacia 4 { 5     Human::Human() 6     { 7     } 8  9     Human::~Human()10     {11     }12 13     void Human::QualitiesCorrelation()14     {15         //TODO: rebuild at config file.16         PtrQuality ptrHeal = m_qualManager.AddQuality
();17 PtrQuality ptrLifeIn = m_qualManager.AddQuality
();18 PtrQuality ptrCour = m_qualManager.AddQuality
();19 20 ptrHeal->SetLimit(1000);21 ptrHeal->SetValue(ptrHeal->GetLimit());22 23 ptrLifeIn->SetLimit(1000);24 ptrHeal->SetValue(ptrLifeIn->GetLimit());25 26 ptrCour->SetLimit(1000);27 ptrHeal->SetValue(ptrCour->GetLimit());28 29 ptrLifeIn->AddPassive(ptrHeal);30 ptrHeal->AddPassive(ptrCour);31 32 return;33 }34 35 }



1 #pragma once 2 #include "stdinc.h" 3  4 namespace Lunacia 5 { 6     //Unique ID Local, not global. 7     class UniqueID final 8     { 9     public:10         static int64_t Get(int8_t suffix_8bit = 0);11         static void Load(void* pData);12 13     private:14         static void ReInitPool();15         16     private:17         static const size_t _count = 5000;    //TODO:  Rebuild it.    //The larger the number, the more uniform the distribution.18         static int _curSize;19         static int _curMax;    //TODO:  Rebuild it.20         static std::array
_idsPool;21 };22 };



1 #include "UniqueID.h" 2 #include "Random.h" 3  4 namespace Lunacia 5 { 6     int UniqueID::_curMax = 100; 7     std::array
UniqueID::_idsPool; 8 int UniqueID::_curSize = UniqueID::_count; 9 10 int64_t UniqueID::Get(int8_t suffix_8bit)11 { 12 if (_curSize >= _idsPool.size() - 1)13 {14 ReInitPool();15 }16 17 return (_idsPool[_curSize++] << 8) | suffix_8bit;18 }19 20 void UniqueID::Load(void* pData)21 {22 23 }24 25 void UniqueID::ReInitPool()26 {27 int curMin = _curMax;28 _curMax += _count;29 for (int i = 0; i < _count; ++i)30 {31 _idsPool[i] = i + curMin;32 }33 34 for (int n = 0; n < _count - 1; ++n)35 {36 uint64_t ran = RandomAvg::GetRandNum(n + 1, _count);37 std::swap(_idsPool[n], _idsPool[ran]);38 }39 40 _curSize = 0;41 }42 };



1 #include "stdinc.h" 2 #include "QualDefine.h" 3  4 #pragma once 5  6 namespace Lunacia 7 { 8     class Encounter 9     {10     public:11         struct QualInfluence 12         {13             QualityType type;14             int32_t influence;15         };16 17     public:18         Encounter();19         ~Encounter();20 21     private:22         QualityType GetRandomType() const;23         int32_t GetRamdomInfluence() const;24 25     public:26         void GetRandomInfluence(QualInfluence& __out res) const;27     };28 29 };
1 #include 
2 3 #include "Encounter.h" 4 #include "Random.h" 5 6 namespace Lunacia 7 { 8 9 Encounter::Encounter()10 {11 12 }13 14 Encounter::~Encounter()15 {16 17 }18 19 QualityType Encounter::GetRandomType() const20 {21 int rand = static_cast
(RandomAvg::GetRandNum(1, static_cast
(QualityType::__QualityType_MAX)));22 return static_cast
(rand);23 }24 25 int32_t Encounter::GetRamdomInfluence() const26 {27 28 return g_rn.GetRandNum
() * static_cast
(std::pow(-1, RandomAvg::GetRandNum() % 2));29 }30 31 void Encounter::GetRandomInfluence(QualInfluence& res) const32 {33 res.type = GetRandomType();34 res.influence = GetRamdomInfluence();35 }36 };




1 #include "Tilee.h"  2 #include "Location.h"  3 #include "stdinc.h"  4 #include "Random.h"  5 #include "Rational.h"  6   7 #include "ObjectManager.h"  8 #include "QualHealth.h"  9 #include "QualLifeInstinct.h" 10  11 #include "LunaObject.h" 12 #include "Human.h" 13 #include "UniqueID.h" 14 #include "UClock.h" 15  16 #include "Encounter.h" 17  18 using namespace Lunacia; 19  20 ObjectManager* pOm = new ObjectManager(); 21 std::vector
g_objs; 22 23 RandomItem
* g_ri; 24 Encounter g_ec; 25 26 const std::function
& GetWeightFunc = [](const LunaObject*const & obj) -> uint64_t 27 { 28 const Quality* const res = obj->m_qualManager.GetQuality(QualityType::HEALTH); 29 if (res == nullptr) 30 { 31 return 0l; 32 } 33 34 return res->GetValue(); 35 }; 36 37 void loop() 38 { 39 Encounter::QualInfluence eqi; 40 g_ec.GetRandomInfluence(eqi); 41 42 LunaObject* const pObj = g_ri->GetRandItem(); 43 Quality* const res = pObj->m_qualManager.FindQuality(eqi.type); 44 45 if (res == nullptr) 46 { 47 return; 48 } 49 res->AddValue(eqi.influence); 50 51 std::cout<<"ID: " << pObj->Info().Get
("id") << " " << static_cast
(eqi.type) << " : "<< eqi.influence << std::endl; 52 } 53 54 void init(int count) 55 { 56 for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) 57 { 58 LunaObject* h = pOm->Create
(); 59 h->QualitiesCorrelation(); 60 61 int id = pOm->Add(h); 62 63 g_objs.push_back(h); 64 } 65 66 g_ri = new RandomItem
(g_objs, GetWeightFunc); 67 } 68 69 int main(void) 70 { 71 init(100); 72 const int64_t RateBase = 10000; 73 74 int64_t Rate = RateBase / 100; 75 UClock uck; 76 77 int64_t pre = GetCurrentTime(); 78 int64_t e = 0; 79 int64_t cur = 0; 80 uint64_t i = 0; 81 82 //TEST: Loop 83 while (true) 84 { 85 cur = GetCurrentTime(); 86 e += cur - pre; 87 pre = cur; 88 89 while (e >= Rate) 90 { 91 loop(); 92 e -= Rate; 93 i++; 94 //std::cout << e << std::endl; 95 } 96 97 if (i >= 10000) 98 { 99 i = 0;100 delete g_ri;101 g_ri = new RandomItem
(g_objs, GetWeightFunc);102 system("cls");103 }104 }105 106 system("pause");107 return 0;108 }



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